1. David Letterman interviewing Barack Obama – Netflix “My Next Guest” P1:E1 “It’s a whole New Ball Game Now”
  2. John Kay “Radical innovation rarely comes from within. Competition means different things to businesses and consumers”. Financial Times November 23, 2010
  5. “The process of integrating the environment and finance has only just begun” Peter Cripps; Environmental Finance ; Autumn 2016
  6. “The Investing Enlightenment - How Principle and Pragmatism Can Create Sustainable Value through ESG” - Robert G. Eccles, PhD. Mirtha D. Kastrapeli; State Street
  7.  (respondents could select more than one option therefore percentages don’t add to 100%; there were other answers available)
  8. "Building for the Future" an interview with CEO of State Street Global Advisors by Alastair O'Dell; Global Investor July/August 2017