Investing on “the EDGE”

“Why are we wasting most of the energy and food in the world?”

Why can’t renewables and vegetables save the world?

Why is what we are doing making things worse?”

These are just a few questions asked by Jonathan Maxwell in his recently published book “The Edge”. Many people now know that seven of nine planetary boundaries have been surpassed by humans. In this urgent situation, businesses and governments have been committing to Net Zero, yet few had a chance to map out exactly what such commitments mean in practice. In the meantime, about 70% of the world’s energy, 50% of food, and 30% of water are being wasted in the “cradle-to-grave cycles”.

We need many solutions to get to Net Zero, but how do you set priorities to ensure that we get there “in time”? And how do you direct your investment?

“The Edge” seeks to establish a framework to explain what is happening in the world today. And the author, Jonathan Maxwell, will share with us what he has learnt about the mindsets of government, big business and finance at times when the realisation of what it means to get to Net Zero puts a rift in the consensus of how to get there.

Jonathan, who trained at Oxford University as a modern historian and has become a professional investor, put everything on the line to follow his conviction. In 2007, he set up Sustainable Development Capital LLP (SDCL) and is the CEO of this independent investment firm with over two billion of investment capital.

– How is his conviction reflected in his investment strategy?

– How does he stay true to his conviction at times of raising interest rates, inflation, and price shocks in commodities?

– How does he consider supply chain interactions in his investments?

– Why does he feel that the way we talk about climate and the environment can backfire?

These and many more questions we will explore with Jonathan Maxwell, CEO and Founder of SDCL, and author of the book  “The Edge”.

Moderated by Dana Hanby, Managing Director, ESG Nexus

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